
As a graphic designer and social media manager, I’ve been wondering what I can do to help break the negative stigmas associated with mental health. This wondering led me to Lemonaid — a space where anyone can find support, become more comfortable with who they are, and find healing.

As Lemonaid, I sought to break the stigmas through story-telling and resource sharing. I believe the best way to make change is by speaking out loud about our various experiences. Not everyone is ready to share their story, but whenever I came across someone who was ready, I let them share it on my platform. The hope was that others were able to find solace in their mental health journey.

I used Lemonaid’s Instagram account to promote new blog entries and Instagram Lives with graphics I created. I also created content for mental health resources, news, encouragement, and relatable memes. More so, I attended a couple Nashville music events to stir up IRL conversations around mental health, as well as raise money to donate to the National Alliance on Mental Illness.